Previous Works - A Forge Simulator

I do not have that much time to work on the project, as simple as it is, since school has started up again. I didn't want much time between post, so I decided that I will talk about somes things I did in the past when I don't have much to say about what I'm currently working on. Today I will show my forging simulator I made in python.

This is a program I made for a school project, specifically the last one for a class on python (which, from the image, was only a while ago). I tried to show off much of what I learnt over the class.

As you can see, the program has multiple steps. First, one has to choose whether to start up the forge or not (with choosing to not ending the program). After that, one has to choose one of the four metals. When the metal is chosen, one must then change the forge temperature to be in working range of the metal (I cannot guarantee the accuracy of temperatures. I just pulled the numbers from a website). Once you got the temperature in range, you could start to shape the metal by using a combination of 3 of the 5 acts one can do. The combination of the actions may then make the metal into a tool, or nothing if the combination was not recognised. After that, the last option is to either do more, repeating the entire process, or not and ending the program.

Many things were tried out in this program. One of the things commonly in this is the use of while loops and if functions regarding user input. I used them to make a way for the program to repeat a question if the answer it recieved could not be used. This is also where I started yo use better practices for programming, such as using comments to describe things and putting all the variables in one place.

It's probably the best thing I made in python (and the latest thing I made in python) and the closest I've ever been to making a game. I also have other things in python that I can share when I can't make a post on my developments. I hope that you liked this thing of mine.


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