
Showing posts from November, 2017

Version 2:The Not-So Barebones Clicker

I was originally going to make this post tomorrow, but due to events I am doing it today when I can. As seen, I have updated the Barebones Clicker to become a Not-So Barebones Clicker. This is now more than just a button and a counter. As you can see, one of the big changes was generators. There are currently three of them. These are not really made to be fair though, as I'm pretty sure some are way more efficiant than others, but I wasn't really concerned with that.An interesting part about the generators is that if you try to buy them and you don't got the money, a message will appear for a few seconds telling you that you can't afford it. Another big change included was the save. This is not a good save, as it just relies on cookies. Yet, you can refesh the page, and the numbers will still be there (given that one saves and loads). This took hours to code, specifically to make functional. I went to Dhmstark again along with stackexchange for coding help. S

Previous Works - A Forge Simulator

I do not have that much time to work on the project, as simple as it is, since school has started up again. I didn't want much time between post, so I decided that I will talk about somes things I did in the past when I don't have much to say about what I'm currently working on. Today I will show my forging simulator I made in python . This is a program I made for a school project, specifically the last one for a class on python (which, from the image, was only a while ago). I tried to show off much of what I learnt over the class. As you can see, the program has multiple steps. First, one has to choose whether to start up the forge or not (with choosing to not ending the program). After that, one has to choose one of the four metals. When the metal is chosen, one must then change the forge temperature to be in working range of the metal (I cannot guarantee the accuracy of temperatures. I just pulled the numbers from a website). Once you got the temperature in range,

Game Development - A barebones idle game

I like to show progress on what I'm making. As said in the prior post, I might possibly make a idle game. As seen in the image above, I was writing down the function of things and actions in idle games like Cookie Clicker and AdVenture Capitalist. I am sorry if it is hard to read, I am not good a writing, though I find it to better write down thoughts rather than to type them out. During Thanksgiving Day I encoded a simple idle game: the barebones clicker. The first one I made has nothing but a button, a number of currency one has. I used HTML5 and JavaScript for this. This unfortunately took longer than I thought. I had to figure out how to update text on a page with JavaScript. I figured it out through looking at some incremental tutorials by David Holley , the person who made CivClicker.  Currently, I am working to advance what I made. I added currency generators to the game, though they have issues. As I am sticking to the minimum, there will likely be no

What I plan to do

I needed a second post for editing purposes, so why don't I talk about what I plan to make. At first, I plan to make the minimal I can at first. What you see may not be anything of interest. This will be the bare bones, with simple graphics and simple mechanics. These may be expanded on to have better graphics and mechanics. One simple thing I might make is a simple clicker. Most things will be text. Since the only engine I am familiar with is Unity, don't expect anything with graphics for a while until I am more into game developing.

I'm starting out.

That's right. I, Oranje Maan, am starting out on the creation of interactive experiences and other programs.