Finding Fibonacci Numbers
Hello, I know this has been a while since my prior post and I have not gotten out any video yet doing a tutorial on a program I did. I have been having a busy week at university and I've been rather skeptical on the program I was originally going to use for the tutorial, as it's overly complicated for its results. I may actually use this program for my tutorial as it would be easier to explain and is less complicated. For now I'll continue with this program. You may find the program here on Github. I guess I won't have to give much explanation on the Fibonacci sequence. Basically, it's a sequence where a term is the sum of the two prior terms. This program, when inputted a number n, will return the nth term in the Fibonacci sequence. It works by making the a list of all terms within the Fibonacci sequence from 0 to n and returning the last item in the list. As its does the regular method, it works accurately for even large numbers and should work up to the lim...